


Channels not outputting any signal:

Things to check:

  • Check the ‘Mode’ switch setting. Depending on if you're running in 2-way or 3-way mode, the mode switch must be set accordingly, or you'll have problems of this nature.
  • Make sure the XO module(s) are in the correct slot(s). If you’re running in 2-way mode, the single XO module should be installed in the ‘Sub’ slot, and the ‘Mid/High’ slot should be left empty.
  • Be sure you're running from the correct outputs: in 2-way mode you need to be connected to the 'Sub' and 'Mid/High' outputs, and the 'High' outputs should be left unconnected.

Try temporarily swapping the L and R input jacks:

  • If the dead channel changes sides, then there is most likely a problem with your input cabling or signal source.
  • If the dead channel stays on the same side, then go to the next step.

Try temporarily swapping the L and R output jack from the K231 to the amps:

  • If the dead channel stays on the same side, then you may have a bad output cable or amplifier channel.
  • If the dead channel changes sides, then there may be a bad output on your crossover. Contact us for technical support.