Reps & Dealers

We're working to build a network of highly qualified sales reps and dealers.

This is a particularly great opportunity for any audio equipment dealer currently selling mid to high end amplifiers and sound systems in general. Our analog crossovers allow one to build an active multi-amped system which requires one amp channel per speaker driver (e.g. a stereo system with 3-way speakers would need 6 amp channels). This means you'll not only have the opportunity to carry top of the line analog active crossovers, you'll also be selling 2-3 times more amplifiers.

We're also happy to work with mid to high end speaker builders that want to explore the benefits of analog active bi-amping. Your premium speaker systems driven in an analog active bi-amp configuration will elevate the sound quality to an entirely new level. The sound clarity, detail and warmth that can be acheived is indescribable. it must be heard to be believed. Demoing your speakers with a Sublime Acoustic analog active crossover will put you head and shoulders above the competition.

If you're interested in becoming a Sublime Acoustic dealer, please email us at